What is Leverage in Real Estate
Network Marketing?
Leverage in real estate network
marketing comes from building a team, a network of people, who all use the
products, sell the products and build a team of their own. By building a team,
you can potentially earn overrides and commissions from EVERYONE on your team,
not just your own work/efforts.
“I would rather earn 1% off a
100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts.” -J. Paul Getty, American
How Does Leverage Help You
Succeed and Close Mega Deals?
Leverage is a general term for
any technique, concept, skills or principles used to multiply gains or getting
more done or achieving more with less time, energy and effort in a systematical
PLS NOTE: ANY STRUCTURE WITHOUT A SYSTEM WILL RUPTURE! In today's world you must be plugged or connected to a SYSTEM to succeed. SYSTEM simply stands for: Safe YourSelf Time Energy (or Efforts) and Money...
By applying the concept and the
power of leverage you can achieve a lot more in both your business and life.
Without the power of leverage
your rewards are restricted to only the amount of work or energy you put into a
Remember, if you want to work fast, work alone, but if you wish to go far in life then work as a team 👌🏽🙏🏽Because TEAMWORK makes the dream work!
1. The Power of Numbers - The
Simpli Mi Homes is building a
trans-generational wealth transfer empire for everyone by leveraging and
engaging the aspirations, passion, drive and energy of likeminded individuals
networking with a common goal in mind and hunger for success!.
FAR BETTER THAN 100% OF JUST YOU FROM ONE SINGLE TRANSACTION!👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 The ultimate secret is in the
people, because it's absolutely a game of numbers guys. The money has always
been with the people, the more the merrier...
2. Education:
Why not learn from others?. You
can avoid learning from the “mistakes” called experience if you are willing to
learn from others who have already made those same mistakes.
“Formal education will make you
a living; self-education will make you a fortune” - Jim Rohn
“If you want to go somewhere,
it is best to find someone who has already been there.” -Robert Kiyosaki
It's better to hang out with
people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours
and you'll drift in that direction. - Warren Buffett
3. Technology:
If you are sitting desks all
day long I guess you don’t need mobile technology. However there’s no reason
you should have to tell a customer you didn’t get their email or voice mail as
you were out of the office. Take your office with you by leveraging mobile
technology which nowadays means Smartphone’s and tablets.
One machine can do the work of
fifty ordinary men. But No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. -
Elbert Hubbard
The word EXTRA has always been the difference and the key separator of the men from the boys in this industry. Be always ready and willing to go the extra mile doing extraordinary things to get extraordinary results!
4. Systems:
McDonalds is the ultimate
example of using systems (and other people’s money and energy) together with
franchising to create leverage.
One definition of leverage is:
divide to multiply.
Think about divide to multiply
in terms of day-to-day life, say, a tree cutting. You take a cutting from one
plant, but don't end up with half a tree; you end up with two trees. In terms
of business, networking and team building is the easiest way to describe divide
to multiply.
5. Marketing:
Would you rather hunt like a
leopard or hunt like a spider?
Leopards hunt when hungry and
in fact when they are nearly starving. Yet once they are fed, leopards will
take their kill into a tree and rest on their gluttony. Leopards live a life of
feast or famine!
Spiders on the other hand put
all of their effort into building their web (network) and once that’s done they
can stand by while their food comes to them!
“The richest people in the
world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.” - Robert
Leverage your brand. You
shouldn't let two guys in a garage eat your shorts. - Guy Kawasaki
Finally, Here are four crucial
things you need to do consistently if you want to see fast success in your
1. Set a Specific Goal.
2. Surround Yourself with
Successful Team Leaders and Coaches.
3. Design a Clear Three-Month
Action Plan.
4. Invite Two People per Day to
Look at the your Business Opportunity.
1. Set a Specific Goal:
Real Estate Network Marketing
How do you know if you are
successful in your real estate network marketing business if you don’t have a
You have to be able to measure
your success. Set a goal that will require some sacrifice, focus and consistent
work. But make sure your goal isn’t impossible.
Most people think about an
amount of money that would make a significant difference per month.
However (and this is a BIG
however), keep in mind that you are building a business, and that takes TIME.
Don’t just “give it a try” or “see how it goes.”
If that’s your plan for
success, then don’t bother getting started at all pls.
That doesn’t mean that you
can’t make a good amount of money quickly, but don’t set a time limit for
success. DO set a specific goal, but don’t limit your success.
Even though this is a business,
you need to treat it like a job first. Do the up-front work that builds the
long-term passive.
Write your goal down and keep
it in areas where you will see it often: bathroom mirror, computer lock screen,
on your phone, in your wallet or purse, in your car, etc.
You’ll be surprised at how
powerful this is. Goals become so much more real if you write them down and
look at them often.
It’s also important to track
your progress along the way. There WILL be ups and downs, but tracking your
actions and results is critical to having fast success especially in real
estate network marketing.
2. Surround Yourself with
Successful Team Leaders and Mentors:
Real Estate Network Marketing
Recruiting Success System: This is probably the most important thing you can do
outside of specific action steps.
Get to know your team coaches
and mentors. Find out how you can help them, and just be around them as often
as you can.
You might be rolling your eyes
at this, but the importance of getting around successful people is
immeasurable. Watch them. Learn from them. Take notes. Ask them questions.👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
The best way to do that: offer
to help at local meetings and business presentations. Set up chairs and tables.
Help take down furniture.
Be of service to them FIRST.
Trust me, leaders are ALWAYS looking for hungry people who want to succeed.👌🏽
You can’t help but soak up
tips, mindset and attitude when you are consistently around successful people.
Find a “running buddy” who will act as your accountability partner. This gives
you someone to bounce ideas off of and set small goals with.
Standing on the shoulders of a
successful person is one of the surest short cuts to the top!
Remember, a mentor gives you
the psychological advantage to succeed in life! Get a mentor today!!🙏🏽🤗
3. Design a Clear Three-Month
Action Plan:
Set a two - three months goal,
and build backwards from there.
Let’s say your goal at the end
of three months is to earn a total of lets say #10m. That’s an average of #3.3m
per month and about #750k per week.
That’s a pretty attainable
goal, but one that will certainly require consistent effort.
Next, break down your action
plan into weekly and then daily goals.
Simpli Mi Homes as a leading
real estate network marketing already have daily, weekly bonuses and monthly
bonuses paid for reaching specific goals as increased percentages on her
products and the quarterly unmatched incentives.👌🏽 Figure out what you need to do
to generate up-front bonuses that will equal #750k per week.
How many customers do you personally
need to acquire? How many new team members do you personally need to sponsor or
have coming into your business every week to generate #750k for that week as
your indirect 3% Commission?
A big “secrets to success” in
real estatenetwork marketing is that it’s just a numbers game. Once you figure
out your goal, just break down the specific action steps you need to take every
day and every week to hit those goals. Remember the money has always been with
the people and it's absolutely a game of numbers guys👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
4. Invite At least Two People
per Day to Look at your Business Opportunity, just keep sharing your business
model and opportunities!:
It’s a pretty common goal for
fast success in the real estate network marketing industry. And there’s a good
reason why…
Inviting two people per day to
take a look at your business opportunity is 60 people per month, which is 180
people in three months (remember the three-month action plan). If you had a 10
percent success rate, that would add 18 new business partners within three
months into your network systems downline tree.
Of course, some days you will
do more, some days you will do less. The point is to keep it consistent. In the
beginning, you might do 10 per day.
Speed equals duplication in
real estate network marketing. And fast duplication is the best way to have
fast success.
Since you’re inviting and
following up with so many people, you’ll have to keep track of it all. Use a
spreadsheet, written list or an app on your phone. If you want to succeed fast,
you have to keep track of your action. You can’t just keep it all in your head.
Follow up with people within 24
hours. Focus on people who want to work, and help them create duplication.
To your ultimate success!
Thanks for your time🙏🏽🤗
PLS NOTE: ANY STRUCTURE WITHOUT A SYSTEM WILL RUPTURE! In today's world you must be plugged or connected to a SYSTEM to succeed. SYSTEM simply stands for: Safe YourSelf Time Energy (or Efforts) and Money...
Remember, if you want to work fast, work alone, but if you wish to go far in life then work as a team 👌🏽🙏🏽Because TEAMWORK makes the dream work!
The word EXTRA has always been the difference and the key separator of the men from the boys in this industry. Be always ready and willing to go the extra mile doing extraordinary things to get extraordinary results!