This is a question that many people have sent to my inbox and i want to address it now, once and for all.
Under the Law, The landlord is expected to make sure that the property is in a habitable state for tenants to live in and The landlord also has the responsibility of ensuring that basic amenities are available and in order for tenants use.
Soak away is one of the Basic Amenities of the the Landlord's Property, so therefore it is the Landlord's responsibility to make sure it is in good condition.
Either the Landlord stays in the compound or not.
The law does not care.
And refusal of the Landlord to put the Soak Away in order gives the Tenant the right to file a Suit against the Landlord to return the money they paid for Rent.
If the Landlord is found Guilty of the allegations, the Court will order him to return the tenants Rent in full
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse
This also apply to repair of the house or fixing water pumping machine
Ignorance of the Law is not an excuse.
If you need a Property Consultant, do not hesitate to contact SoftClick Property via Whatsapp: 08183200363