Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pineapple Facts ONLY Serious AGRIC Investors..

The more we explore hidden opportunities in the Agro landscape, the more we discover BECAUSE our country is truly blessed with agricultural resources - take this from me first hand!

I have seen things. I am seeing things!

We have talked about pineapple before, let me use this medium to hint that the first field is established!

Here are some facts about pineapples you should know as a serious AGRIC Investor.

* 1 acre of pineapple will house 16,000 plants
* 1hectare (2.5acres) will house 40,000 plants
*  Pineapples can be induced to fruit - meaning that an investor can have      
    uniformly timed harvest.
* Pineapples produce sucker just like bananas and plantains so, you do not need      to re-plant every year. You only need to maintain it
* A pineapple sucker can remain viable without planting for up to a month!
* Pineapples are strong plants and can withstand a lot of stress and strain on the farm.
* 1 acre of pineapple can eventually plant 50 acres under proper management
* Pineapple has a huge market - trust me, it is imported from neighbouring countries.

Now, consider this:
If you started a pineapple plantation today, you may not recoup your initial investment fully at first harvest BUT..

Every year after that first harvest, you will continue to harvest WITHOUT REPLANTING! It means, if you have 70% harvest from 1 acre (16,000 plants),
you will have 11,200 fruits.

At an average unit price of N60 (assumed whole sale farm price), you will get N672,000 every year at harvest as profit BECAUSE, I discounted for all expenses already with this simple estimate.

People just like you all over the country are discovering the pineapple goldmine. This year alone, I personally know of close to like 50acres of pineapple that was established!

Yes, 50acres ! That like a total of 800,000plants! Guess what? We go finish am when e ripe and e no go reach.

* Land is available
* Personnel is available. Infact, you only need to come for occasional inspection while things are done for you.

If you are serious and ready, hit reply and lets talk in readiness for the weekend retreat holding in the 2nd week of September.



Yemmy Macclean
Whatsapp: 08183200363

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